Harry Neal

Harry Neal is an entrepreneur, a writer and a blogger. He is currently writing for Arca South, a real estate company in the Philippines that markets pre-selling condo in Manila.

7 Bathroom Designs for Small Spaces

Small spaces, in general, present a bit of a daunting and difficult challenge for interior designers but most especially for DIY enthusiasts. But do not let this small snag deter you from undertaking such an interesting task. These spaces may seem rather small and you may think any design aspects would be of diminutive value,…

7 Common Kitchen Design Mistakes

Our kitchen is a space that is extremely dependent on its function. Unfortunately, it is one of the most misguidedly designed parts of the home, ending up as either under-designed or overdesigned. The results of the epic kitchen mistakes are a kitchen that is inefficient, difficult to navigate or both. Here are the common mistakes…