10 Handy Cleaning Tips For Handling Some Of The Toughest Household Problems

Spring-CleaningEvery household wishes for one Holy Grail – the ultimate guide to household cleaning and stain removing. Owning a beautiful home is on everyone’s wish list but cleaning it and maintaining it is the ultimate problem! If you too have cleaning woes, here are some cleaning tips to deal with tough stains around the house:

1. Squeaky Clean Chandeliers

Chandeliers look good in any living room and instantly they add an oomph factor to the room. Unfortunately, they are the most difficult to clean. Firstly, they are at a height, which is difficult to reach without a household ladder or stool, and secondly, they are delicate. An easy way to get rid of the dirt is not by wiping them clean piece-by-piece. Instead, just use a spray on chandelier cleaner that drip-dries the chandelier clean. Simply cover the floor with a sheet and spray on!

2. Attack the Grease

Grease built up around the kitchen is fairly common. Tackle it with a sponge that has been heated for a few seconds in the microwave. The heated sponge combined with a cleaning solution makes it really simple to clean the grease from all surfaces.

3. Sparkly Dishwasher

Worried about the dirt that gathers inside the dishwasher? Simply place a dishwasher safe bowl filled with white vinegar in the dishwasher. Run a typical cycle with the hottest water available. The vinegar will remove not only the dirt but also the food odor from the machine.

4. Duct Tape Dog Hair

If you have a pet that sheds, your furniture is bound to be covered with lint. Instead of vacuuming, you can simply wrap a sponge with a duct tape to remove pet hair from all furniture pieces.

5. Stain Pen Miracles

Instead of just using the stain pen on clothes, you can even use it on furniture, cushions, chairs, car seats etc. to remove food stains from them.

6. Invest in Microfiber Cloths

You have to use microfiber to see the difference it can make to your cleaning. It is not exaggeration when everyone says that microfiber actually cleans better than most other clothes, rags and sponges. It literally attracts the dust and dirt and leaves surfaces sparkling.

7. Tackle the Tub Tactfully

Cleaning a tub is difficult and a mammoth task. An easy way to do so is make a mixture of baking soda and cream of tartar and rub it on the tub. After 30 minutes, rinse it and it will look as good as ne

8. The Power of Salt

Use salt to clean an iron that has turned sticky. Simply run the iron on a paper with salt and get rid of the stickiness.

9. Vanilla Essence Aroma

Not happy with the way your freezer smells? Simply dab some vanilla essence on a cotton ball and wipe it across the freezer. The freezer will instantly smell fresh and invigorating!

10. Tricky Little Keyboard

Keyboard keys are the most tricky to clean. One easy way to remove dust and food crumbs from keyboards is by masking it with a tape. The tape will remove the dust from the tiniest spaces with the least amount of efforts.

This guest post was submitted by Harriet Steele, a home decorator and a blogging enthusiast. She writes articles on home improvement and home décor in her spare time. She recommends the HomeJoy Cleaning Service to people who want their house sparkling clean in no time.

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