How to Take Care of Stainless Steel Around Your Home

stainless_steel_kitchenStainless steel is best known for its ability to be a clean surface and to resist corrosion and rust. Dirt and dust, however, put stainless steel at risk for corrosion and rust. They should therefore be ensured that they are clean at all times. Proper methods of cleaning should be employed to enhance their durability and effectiveness.

Routine Cleaning

Warm water and a cloth can be used to accomplish routine cleaning. The water used should be plain and the appliances should be wiped with a dry towel to prevent water spots. Minerals in water can leave permanent marks on stainless steel if not wiped, thus making the home appliances not to appear beautiful. In most cases, the cloth used should be microfiber in nature. This is because microfiber cleaning cloths absorbs all the water without scratching the surface.

Mild detergent and warm water can be used for cleaning that requires more power. Just a small drop of the detergent with warm water is able to remove dirt off the stainless steel. One can choose to apply the soap directly on the appliances or sinks by simply mixing it with water and rinsing. A drop of the soap can also be applied on a piece of cloth and warm water added to it to sud up the cloth.

After the dirt has been washed away, the stainless steel surface should be rinsed thoroughly to prevent staining and spotting. It is then towel dried to prevent any water spots which can be caused by minerals in water.

Glass Cleaner and Fingerprints

A glass cleaner is always preferred to take care of fingerprints that might form while handling stainless steel. Depending on what you decide to use, the cleaner should be sprayed on a microfiber cloth. Spraying the stainless steel directly without a cloth may end up wasting a lot of cleaner that was not needed or even drips. Proceed to wipe the stainless steel gently and in a circular motion to remove the fingerprints. Rinse the area thoroughly with water and dry using a towel. White spots on cooking pans can be avoided by adding salt to food after the water boils. If any item comes into contact with salt water, it should be rinsed with fresh water as soon as possible.

Steel wool or steel brushes should never be used when cleaning stainless steel. This is because, iron reacts with steel and may cause particles that causes long term problems. A stainless steel fabricator and polishes may be a good option for cleaning the stainless steel in order to avoid staining. These cleaners are non abrasive and thus, the items will not be scratched during cleaning. They will leave a protective layer that reduces the likelihood of the stainless steel being marked by minerals, soap residue, stains or even fingerprints. These layers make it easier when cleaning the items the next time. The use of these cleaners has the added benefit of leaving surfaces streak-free and shiny.

Users are always advised to read the directions given before using these cleaners to enhance their effectiveness and safety to use.

Erin Smith is a seasoned blogger on home improvement, renovations and interior design, especially DIY projects that are easy to do for everyone. She’s currently working in Canada with Absolute Fabrication.

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