Create the Easiest Garden in 5 Steps

garden1A leafy back yard filled with colorful blooming flowers and soothing green grass sounds like a dream outdoor environment. When it comes to the regular care, gardening maintenance is easier said than done. There is a beauty in the hard work and the effort you constantly put. However, sometimes you just don’t have the time or the patience to deal with the everyday fuss, but you still want to enjoy a beautiful site. There is a shortcut. You can spend time sweating in the garden, or you can do it the easy way.

Plan an Efficient Area
A well designed landscape can save both energy and water. Plus it will make your job a breeze. Make a layout of your garden with all the things you want to include. When you know the exact position of each element you will not lose time wondering where to put the gardening beds or where to plant the shrubs. Consider things like where you will keep your gardening tools and do you want an irrigation system.

Work with your own landscape and let nature do your job. If your garden is exposed to constant sunshine, consider heat – loving greenery like veggies and fruits. The predominantly shady areas are appropriate for berries, herbs and lettuce.
Group the greenery with similar needs together. Pick a place with easy access. In this way, you will have no problems reaching them while watering.

garden2Examine You Soil
It doesn’t come as a surprise that your soil will play a huge role in the success of your garden. That is why you need to pay special attention to the land. First, you need to determine what the type of your soil is. Then you can condition it according to your needs. This step will spare you a lot of drama in the garden.

Select the Right Plants
Watering will be a huge part of your gardening maintenance routine. If you don’t want to drag hose from one side of the house to the other, then you better create a drought – and heat – resistant space. Pick low – maintenance perennials plants. The best strategy is to get native plants, because they are adjusted to the local site and climate. There is another bonus. Local greenery is less prone to diseases.

Mulch is mostly incorporated in the organic gardening. It is a corner stone in every chemical-free backyard and there is a clear reason why. Mulch can prevent the weed growth, while preserving the soil damp for longer. You will cut your watering needs and spend less time getting rid of the unwanted greenery. The good news is that you don’t need to go to the store to get it. You can simply collect the grass clippings next time you mow your lawn. Add some dried and shredded leaves and branches and you are good to go!

Creating a garden is not as difficult as it may sound. All you need is your enthusiasm and dedication!

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