Take a look at the following tips and ideas for furnishing your house in a more personalized way. It is a way that will help you to express yourself and your mood by the choice of the furnishings, their arrangement, colors and designs. It is also a way that will change the home improvement into a real adventure. Take the challenge by starting with some small hangers in the corridor or right in the living room.
- Place numerous hangers on the walls and choose ones that look as beautiful as you like them, as well as comfortable to use and that will make a good impression to your guests and friends. The hangers are usually places behind the doors or near the corners of the rooms – somewhere where they are not that easily remarkable. However, if you choose some special and extraordinary hangers – they can easily turn into pieces of art for the walls and therefore into awesome additions to the entire interior design. A small wooden or brass base with ceramic hooks is a great combination for a simple atmosphere. A hanger with long wooden rail and numerous small hangers will become more remarkable, while the unique texture of the wood emphasizes warmth and comfort. Yet you have to take some extra cares when cleaning the wooden surface. A simple polishing once a month should be enough or use a light hygiene spray during the usual home cleaning instead of struggling with heavily soiled spots once a year. The colorful hangers are much more exotic, but they get dirty quite easy too.
Add an amazing variety of carpets, rugs and other textile floor coverings. They’re especially recommended for the cold winter months and in all cases – they will definitely say a lot about you if you choose the perfect carpets for the home decor. Every room needs its own unique character and atmosphere, so start building it by the base. A multitude of small hand-knit carpets with lavishly appointed decorations, shapes and patters are good for the guest room and even for the kitchen. They are easy to clean, thanks to their small size. You don’t need to call the professional carpet cleaning company, yet the small carpets are easy to clean even with domestic detergents. A patchwork rug for the bathroom is another appealing idea, which will add to the personalization of the bathroom’s decor. From a custom sized rug with bright yellow and white patterns, to corrugated Oriental rugs along the both sides of the door – the small rugs and carpets are real mirrors of the home decor.
- The decorative cushions and other small details that you can put right onto the furnishings should be high on the agenda as well. The smaller the details, the more difficult the cleaning, but it is definitely worth it. There is nothing more impressive than a few small cushions with plenty of colors, chaotically spread all over the sofas and the beds. Or else, let’s take a few small decorative candlesticks right in the middle of the huge empty table in the dining room. They will make the impression from the atmosphere much more interesting than one gets when just sitting in the room. Another great advantage of the small details is that you can easily remove them for a while in order to make your home clean in the hurry.