5 Things You Can Do to Make Your Home More Sustainable

Sustainability has been a very popular theme in recent years, and for a good reason. Considering the consequences of global warming that we are already experiencing, reducing our effect on the environment is more important than ever before – and one of the ways to do that is by making our own homes more sustainable. Fortunately, there are more than a few ways to do that, and here are five you should know about.

1. Install solar panels

Installing solar panels is one of the most popular methods of making your home more sustainable, and it’s not hard to see why. Although it is true that solar panels can be a bit more expensive initially, in the long run, they would definitely be worth the price. Besides helping you save on bills, solar panels are also great if you happen to work from home on your computer, as you’d never have to worry about power outages. Also, you’d get an additional bonus of tax breaks, government grants, and incentives if you choose to use solar power in your home. Not to mention that eventually, you can even sell the power you generate to your utility company.

2. Insulate your home well

Without good insulation, you simply cannot make full use of your other sustainable features. The thing is, if your home isn’t well-insulated, both hot and cold air would seep through your walls, windows, doors, etc. Your bills would be higher, and it would take you much more energy to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. As for the insulation itself, there are many types that differ in terms of price, durability, and combustibility. So, do your research first, and choose the one that fits your home and budget the best.

Don’t worry too much about the price though – it would pay off through smaller bills and greater comfort. For example, research has shown than an average Australian could save more than $6000 on energy bills over 30 years if their home was insulated properly, and there are a lot of examples of houses for sale in Wellington Point that are isolated to match all the latest standards. So, if you’d like to live in the Land Down Under, this is something you should keep in mind.

3. Build a green roof

The popularity of green roofs is still on the rise, and it’s unlikely to stop any time soon. There are many benefits of it, both aesthetic and functional. For example, they provide natural insulation by absorbing heat instead of attracting it. Additionally, in urban environments, a green roof can reduce the urban heat island effect, and it can reduce the stormwater runoff. However, the truth is that such a roof does cost quite a lot to build, so it would be a serious investment.

4. Maintain an energy-efficient duct system

Many people neglect their duct system because they don’t really see how it can affect the sustainability of their home. The best way to describe it is to say that it works like the respiratory system of your house. So, when it gets filled with dirt, dust, and other particles, it cannot function properly. It becomes less efficient, and it affects the purity of the air inside your home. So, make sure to clean it every 5-7 years.

5. Use geothermal energy

Geothermal energy has shown to be much more efficient than your usual HVAC systems. Moreover, since it doesn’t use any fossil fuel energy, there are no harmful gases or fumes, and there is no risk of explosions. Also, since there’s no need for any noisy condensing unit outdoors, your home would be much more quiet. Finally, GHPs can last for about 25 years on average – if maintained, of course. Therefore, again, the initial price would pay off eventually.

To sum up, even though some of the suggestions might be a bit costly at first, they would all pay off sooner or later. Plus, one method can only do so much without the other, so the above-listed things work best when combined. With all that in mind, if you want to make your home truly green, consider the listed suggestions when designing your home, and you’re bound to feel much better knowing that you’re doing everything you can to preserve the environment.

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